About this lesson
Terrorist Awareness
/ Lesson

Suspicious Behaviour

Target Areas for Terrorist Activity.

Target areas for terrorist activity will be where there is a high population of people gathering in close proximity , example's of such are

  • Shopping Malls
  • Sporting Events
  • City Centres
  • Travel Hubs
City Centres
Sporting Events
Shopping Malls
Travel Hub

The Importance of recognising suspicious behaviour.

There is no profile for terrorists, therefore identification can not be made from  their ethnicity, gender, age or clothing.

It will be their behaviour that will identify them as a potential security threat. The role of a Security Officer is ideally placed to recognise suspicious behaviour

and to be alert to any threat. The most notable signs of a terrorist attack is a person or persons acting out of the ordinary.

Acting out of the Ordinary

What to look FOR

There are many indicators of acting out of the ordinary.