Recruitment Guide

Thanks for applying to work with SSGC.

This page is designed to help through our application process and to give you an idea of the onboarding process.

Don't worry if need further help as you can always reach out to the recruitment team for support (Details on how are below).

Quick Sections

  • I haven't received the link to the application form / Link is not working - Click Here
  • Key things I need to complete the application form - Scroll down to Stage 2.
  • I Need More Help - Click Here

Stage 1 - Apply for role

If you reach this page, this stage is already completed. and you should have received the link to your application form. If not please click on the link below to get more support.

Click here for help!

Stage 2 - SSGC Application Form

Your application form link is active for 24 hours from the e-mail being sent to you. (As a reminder, you must submit a fully completed application form before we can arrange an interview with you)

The application form requests core information required to progress you through the required vetting (BS7858) and into deployment should your interview be successful. It should take circa 20 mins to complete an application form provided you have prepared the following information:

Key information required is:

  • Identification documents (i.e. Passport or Driving License)
  • SIA License type and Badge Number (Not required for non SIA roles)
  • Your 5 Year Work History
  • Previous Employer/s address (including postcodes - Google should help you here)
  • Previous Employer/s contact details. Phone number and email (again google should help if not known)

Its best if you write this down before starting to fill out the application form as it makes the whole form easy to complete.

There is help available should you be experiencing any issues with the application form completion – just click the link to on the e-mail sent to you. Complete the simple help request form and the team will be in touch to guide you through.

Once you’ve submitted a completed application form then we’ll send you a confirmation e-mail and one of our Recruitment Team will be in touch to arrange a time for your interview.

Stage 3 - Interview

Once we have received a completed application form from you, the next stage is to arrange an online interview with one of our recruitment management team using Microsoft Teams.

We aim to arrange and complete an interview within 2 days of receiving your completed application form.

If you don’t have Microsoft Teams on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone then please use this link below to download the app (Again if you need help click here)

Link to download Microsoft Teams:

Stage 4 - Vetting

Once the application form and a successful interview has been completed, our onboarding/vetting team will start to complete your vetting process.

We operate against BS7858 standards so after a successful interview, please look out for an email from and send a reply with the information requested. The vetting team will ask you for various information (please see below).

Background Checks
  • For previous employments we require employment evidence (i.e. Payslips, P45, P60, contract, bank statements showing payments etc)
  • For periods of unemployment during your 5-year work history, we will also need to see Benefit Claim Letters, (or Banks Statements for the periods covered),
  • For Education periods we require educational letters (i.e. Qualification certificates, enrolment letters etc)
Identification Check we require the following documents
  • 1 ID Document
  • 2x Proof of Address
  • A legal document with your National Insurance Number.
  • Photo of your SIA licence (Front & Back) should you have one

The vetting process usually takes about 48 hours depending on the role you’re applying for and your work history.Once our vetting checks are completed, you’ll be ready to go and we can confirm details of your new role, your uniform delivery and most importantly your start date with us on what we hope will be a long & happy career.

Good luck and don’t forget, we’re here to help you if you need us - click here for help

Stage 5 - Scheduling / Deployment

The Regional Ops Team (either one of our Quality Managers or their Scheduler) will be in touch to confirm the start date, induction days onsite and what your role forward rota will be. The regional team will be your day-to-day contacts going forward and will look after you whilst you are working with SSGC.

Again if you have any questions help is always here, please use the link below to request a call back.

Click here for help