We called on military veterans to provide mass Covid-19 testing support to under-pressure schools.
In 2020 we deployed more than 4,000 staff, many of whom were military veterans, to marshal Covid-19 testing centres across the UK and are now offering schools support in carrying out what could amount to tens of thousands of lateral flow Covid-19 tests when youngsters return to onsite learning after the February half-term.
This comes after the government’s announcement at the end of last year that millions of lateral flow tests would be made available to schools across the country to test both students and staff.
However, with teachers already under huge strain to try to safeguard pupils’ education, we are offering a fully-vetted, scalable solution to schools which will provide mass testing, along with an ongoing facility for further tests in line with Government requirements.
Our CEO, David Stubbs said: “We spent a significant proportion of 2020 ensuring the rapid deployment of our employees, including a large proportion of military veterans, to marshal Covid-19 testing centres across the UK.
“We have now evolved our expertise to be able to offer a lateral flow testing solution to schools, colleges and universities across the country.
“We know how much pressure the education sector is under and, by offering this service, we’re able to take away some of that strain and allow teachers to focus on what they need to – ensuring students are able to get the very most out of their education.”
“Our solution ensures full vetting of staff, to include EDBS checks; safeguarding training; a ready-to-go assignment instruction, with predetermined test routines; and rapid deployment.”
Upon the announcement of the schools testing scheme in December, education secretary Gavin Williamson said: “Testing on this scale brings real benefits to education. It means more children, teachers and staff can stay in their classes in schools and colleges without the need to self-isolate.”
Meanwhile, health secretary Matt Hancock said: “About one in three people who have coronavirus have no symptoms and will be spreading it without realising it, rapid regular testing offers a reliable and effective way to keep schools open and children learning.
“It will also help us to identify asymptomatic cases that we otherwise wouldn’t know about, and protect the wider community beyond the school gates.”